The Women Of Sapa

Anyone who has ever been to Sapa in Northern Vietnam will know of the charm and style of the women who make the area such a destination.

Photographer Jonathan Faulkner, @JFaulkner_Photo
Photography assistant Rachael Boys, @rachaelboysphotography

 The women of Sapa, recognised most obviously by their colourful embroidered garments are the self made artisans of the area’s tourist culture. They belong to various hill tribes the H’mong people such as the Flower and Black H’mong.This project was photographed on a second visit to the area by photographer Jonathan Faulkner and lead to his body of work ‘Ta O Moo’.. The small series which looks at the local woman of Sapa who come into the town to sell goods and tours from the minority villages surrounding Sapa. It portrays the beauty of the H’mong craftmanship and how the cultural traditions and the spirit of enterprise have been passed down through the community of women despite age or sub-group.


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